Indoor Fabrics

Here is a selection of our indoor fabrics.
Please click through on the images to see the full selection of colours for each as well as fabric info.



To see more fabrics from our chosen suppliers, please click through to see their websites.
If you'd like to enquire about the suitability of a fabric for your project,
just drop us a message.

Linwood fabrics are one of our chosen suplliers - click through to see the full range of fabrics on their website   Clarke and Clarke of the Sanderson Design Group are one of our chosen suplliers - click through to see the full range of fabrics on their website

Warwick fabrics are one of our chosen fabric suppliers - click through to see the full range of fabrics on their website    Modelli fabrics are one of our chosen suppliers - click through to see the full range of fabrics on their website

We are happy to make up projects in your own fabrics.

If you're looking for patterned fabrics, here are a few recommended sites: